I made my first foray into experimental gluten- and dairy-free baking last night. Sure, I've followed some recipes and made some passable stuff. But this was my first venture into uncharted territory. Let's just say it involved a hankerin' for some chocolate chip cookies. And the realization that lard is a gluten- and dairy-free item. I know, I know, I can hear you groaning. But it was just one of those ideas you get in your head and it won't go away until you try it. And I did discover a couple of things. Like this: There isn't enough vanilla and cocoa powder in the world to cover up the taste of lard. See, did any of us really know that for a fact before? And this: There's a really good reason that I've never seen a recipe like the one I made up last night in a cookbook.
Ah well, back to the drawing board. I will not be denied a chocolate chip cookie for long!
11 years ago
Stacy - Try Crisco instead of lard. I think it works well for the butter replacement, however I have no suggestions for the type of flour you should use - good luck! Phyllis